
I'm trying to migrate a PostgreSQL database to Neo4j and have the following m-n relationship in PostgreSQL: user-(blocked)-user

So in PostgreSQL I have an extra table "blocked" that has the following columns: userid1, userid2, blockedsince, blockeduntil I also have an index on blocked.blockeduntil to search for rows that eventually must be removed when the blocking is over.

How can I build this relationship including the index in Neo4j?

I already included all user-rows in a node type "user" in Neo4j. Next step would have been to create a relationship called "blocked" from user to user. So basically like this: (user)-[:blocked]->(user) I would have added the 2 relationship properties "blockeduntil" and "blockedsince" to the relationship. But it does not seem to be possible to create an index on the relationship property blocked.blockeduntil

Original code for PostgreSQL:

   UserId bigserial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
   UserId1 bigint NOT NULL references user(UserId),
   UserId2 bigint NOT NULL references user(UserId),
   BlockedSince timestamp NOT NULL,
   BlockedUntil timestamp NOT NULL,
   PRIMARY KEY (UserId1, UserId2)
CREATE INDEX "IdxBlocked" on blocked(blockeduntil);

My first approach in Neo4j:

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///blocked.csv" AS row
MATCH (u1:user {userid: toInteger(row.userid1)})
MATCH (u2:user {userid: toInteger(row.userid2)})
MERGE (u1)-[b:BLOCKED]->(u2)
ON CREATE SET b.blockedsince = localdatetime(replace(row.blockedsince, " ", "T")), b.blockeduntil = localdatetime(replace(row.blockeduntil, " ", "T")); 

What is the best practice to achieve this relationship including the index on blockeduntil? Would it be better to create a new node type called "blocked" like this?

LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM "file:///blocked.csv" AS row
CREATE (:blocked{userid1: toInteger(row.userid1), userid2: toInteger(row.userid2), blockedsince: localdatetime(replace(row.blockedsince, " ", "T")), 
                      blockeduntil: localdatetime(replace(row.blockeduntil, " ", "T"))});

And then create an index on blocked.blockeduntil like this?

CREATE INDEX ON :blocked(blockeduntil);

During my research I stumbled upon explicit indexes Explicit Indexes but they seem to be deprecated. Also I'm not sure if Full Text Indexes are the right choice here.

See stackoverflow.com/a/39754595/974731 for a suggestion.cybersam
Thanks! So following your suggestion I would alter my data model and make a node type "blocked" so I can use blocked.blockeduntil for indexing.Thomas
According to this community.neo4j.com/t/how-can-i-use-index-in-relationship/1627 post from a Neo4J Staff member, it seems to be best practice to model such entities as nodes, not relationships. So I think I will model "blocked" as a node type.Thomas

1 Answers


Ok, it seems that I found an official answer from a Neo4J staff member. https://community.neo4j.com/t/how-can-i-use-index-in-relationship/1627/2

From the post:

We instead recommend refactoring your model. If you need to perform an index lookup of something, that usually suggests that thing would be better modeled as a node. As a node you are able to create the indexes and constraints you need for quick lookup.

So I will model "blocked" as a node and create an index on blocked.blockeduntil.