I have two DBContext in the same solution. When I run the EF migration command for any of the DBContext locally it executes successfully in under 30 secs.
dotnet ef migrations script -s $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/MyProject.Web/ --output $(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\myproject-DBScript-$(build.SourceBranchName)\$(build.SourceBranchName)-migrationScript.sql --context DBContext --idempotent
But when I run the same command as part of azure build it takes anywhere between 7 to 15 minutes. Please note I can see the build logs, it is the actual command which is taking longer and not the agent availability or any tool like dotnet download issue. The build agent is windows with Vs2017.
Why the timeline is different for local and Azure-Devops, is something wrong with the above command or is it the normal time for an EF migration to run on Azure-Devops. Logs