I am following a tutorial using an account with $300 credits so I am limited to what I can do generally but I would want to know what the contents of this error I get when trying to resize a node-pool or add another node-pool to my gcp project, here is the error message:
ERROR: (gcloud.container.clusters.resize) PERMISSION_DENIED: Insufficient project quota to satisfy request: resource "CPUS_ALL_REGIONS": request requires '9.0' and is short '3.0'. project has a quota of '12.0' with '6.0' available.
And for the creation command this is the error:
ERROR: (gcloud.container.node-pools.create) ResponseError: code=403, message= (1) insufficient regional quota to satisfy request: resource "CPUS": request requires '3.0' and is short '1.0'. project has a quota of '8.0' with '2.0' available.
The parts that interest me are:
- insufficient project quota
- request requires '9.0' and is short '3.0', and
- project has a quota of '12.0' with '6.0' available
And the commands I am using are:
gcloud container clusters resize my-reginal-cluster --region us-central1 --node-pool default-pool --size 4
gcloud container node-pools create my-pool --num-nodes=1 --cluster my-reginal-cluster --region us-central1