I have a Premake 5 project that builds a static library (primarily via the gmake2
or vs2017
actions). I'd like to create a build target for the release material itself: the library zipped up with some text and header files.
How do I do this with Premake? I tried something like:
project "thing_export"
kind "Utility"
os.mkdir "Release"
-- etc
...but of course the os...
functions are executed when Premake runs, they don't end up in the build files.
I also tried using custom build commands:
project "thing_export"
kind "Utility"
buildmessage "Creating release"
buildcommands { "{copy} README.md '%{prj.location}'" }
buildoutputs { "'%{prj.location}/README.md'" }
The makefile generated by the gmake
or gmake2
actions is the same as for an empty project. No actions are generated for it.
How can I use Premake to create my releases?