I would suggest not to create general debug and release tasks if the project is really something that gets compiled and so results in files. You should go with file-tasks which is quite doable in your example, as you state, that your output goes into different directories.
Say your project just compiles a test.c file to out/debug/test.out and out/release/test.out with gcc you could setup your project like this:
WAYS = ['debug', 'release']
FLAGS = {}
FLAGS['debug'] = '-g'
FLAGS['release'] = '-O'
def out_dir(way)
File.join('out', way)
def out_file(way)
File.join(out_dir(way), 'test.out')
WAYS.each do |way|
desc "create output directory for #{way}"
directory out_dir(way)
desc "build in the #{way}-way"
file out_file(way) => [out_dir(way), 'test.c'] do |t|
sh "gcc #{FLAGS[way]} -c test.c -o #{t.name}"
desc 'build all ways'
task :all => WAYS.map{|way|out_file(way)}
task :default => [:all]
This setup can be used like:
rake all
rake debug
rake release
This does a little more as asked for, but shows my points:
- output directories are created, as necessary.
- the files are only recompiled if needed (this example is only correct for the simplest of test.c files).
- you have all tasks readily at hand if you want to trigger the release build or the debug build.
- this example includes a way to also define small differences between debug and release-builds.
- no need to reenable a build-task that is parametrized with a global variable, because now the different builds have different tasks. the codereuse of the build-task is done by reusing the code to define the build-tasks. see how the loop does not execute the same task twice, but instead created tasks, that can later be triggered (either by the all-task or be choosing one of them on the rake commandline).
can be much more performant than usingsystem rake build
because it doesn't have to create a new thread and load up the Rails environment, whichsystem rake build
does have to do. – Joshua Pinter