I found the solution, i pretty much just copied nearly the entire "layoutChartChildren()" method. The link to the source code here.
What you need to take note of is mainly just the following 2 lines, which tells you the coordinates to place the label.
double sliceCenterEdgeX = calcX(labelAngles[index], pieRadius, centerX);
double sliceCenterEdgeY = calcY(labelAngles[index], pieRadius, centerY);
pieRadius will be the distance from the center of the circle where the label will be placed. I'll include a short snippet of the extracted code which i copied, the other methods can be copied directly from the source code provided.
double[] labelAngles = new double[getData().size()];
double scale = (total != 0) ? 360 / total : 0;
double start = getStartAngle();
int index = 0;
for (Data d : getData()){
double size = (isClockwise()) ? (-scale * Math.abs(item.getCurrentPieValue())) : (scale * Math.abs(item.getCurrentPieValue()));
labelAngles[index] = normalizeAngle(start + (size / 2));
double sliceX = calcX(labelAngles[index], pieRadius * 0.7, centerX);
double sliceY = calcY(labelAngles[index], pieRadius * 0.7, centerY);
//Note: to place it in perfect center:
//sliceX = sliceX - (text.getBoundsInLocal().getWidth() / 2;
//sliceY = sliceY - (text.getBoundsInLocal().getHeight() / 2;
text.relocate(sliceX, sliceY);