I am trying to setup the Kafka queue for my application in node. I have 3 consumer in a consumer group and which is subscribed to single topic but when a producer sends messages to a topic having 3 partition, the consumer group receiving duplicate messages e.g consumer1 reads from partition1 and fetches messages and consumer2 also reads from same partition and fetches same message.
i have given the link to git repository which has all the executable code. i am not able to find is it setup problem? or node package problem.
options provided to create a consumer group is below
consumerOptions = {
groupId: groupName,
autoCommit: true,
autoCommitIntervalMs: 1000,
sessionTimeout: 15000,
fetchMaxBytes: 10 * 1024 * 1024, // 10 MB
protocol: ['roundrobin'],
fromOffset: 'earliest'
var consumer = new kafka.ConsumerGroup(Object.assign({ id: 'consumer1' }, consumerOptions), topicName);
plz refer this link for executable code, broker config and zookeeper config https://github.com/Raghavendralacharya/kafka-node.git