I want to copy multiple sheets from one workbook(4 out of 14) but i'm starting with one("Data"). I want to rename the workbook based on a cell in the first workbook. with this code I get an "run-time error '1004' Excel cannot access the file 'C:\3B4DD....
my code so far:
Sub Newyeartest()
sheetstocopy = "data"
Dim FName As String
Dim FPath As String
FPath = "C:"
FName = Sheets("data").Range("A1") & ".xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=FPath & "\" & FName, FileFormat:=52
End sub
If I delete the "Fileformat:=52" It seems to go better but I get a text that this file must be saved as an macro enabled file. But I would guess that "Xlsm" is macro enabled?