Shiny app loads a .csv with fileInput() but can't change it afterwords.
I want to change (multiply by (-1)) one of the columns of the dataframe within the app with a button after identifying the column
The object loadedData is a read.csv() function that outputs a dataframe that I use in the remainder of the app I've tried changing the object directly, through functions, be it it's reactive data or a static copy that try to override later but can't seem to make the change permanent.
#--------------UI side
#import data
fileInput('main', 'Input file', multiple = FALSE,
accept =".csv"),
checkboxInput("header", "Header", TRUE),
radioButtons("sep", "Separator",
choices = c(Comma = ",",
Semicolon = ";",
Tab = "\t"),
selected = ","),
radioButtons("quote", "Quote",
choices = c(None = "",
"Double Quote" = '"',
"Single Quote" = "'"),
selected = '"')
#--------------Server Side
# read dataset
loadedData <- reactive({
header = input$header,
sep = input$sep,
quote = input$quote
# change signal
observeEvent(input$main, {
output$advancedsignalchange <- renderUI({
selectInput('signalchangecolumn', 'Signal Change Column', choices = names(loadedData())),
actionButton('signalchange','Submit signal change')
aa <- as.array(input$signalchangecolumn)
print(loadedData()[aa][[1]][1]) #token value before change
#loadedData()[aa] <- loadedData()[aa] *-1 ## can't override
print(loadedData()[aa] *-1) #change
print(loadedData()[aa][[1]][1]) #token value after change
2 errors here: If I uncomment this line in an attempt to override loadedData()
loadedData()[aa] <- loadedData()[aa] *-1
Warning: Error in <-: invalid (NULL) left side of assignment
similarly if I try
loadedData[aa] <- loadedData()[aa] *-1
Warning: Error in <-: object of type 'closure' is not subsettable
so I can't save the change
the print statements are a way to validate the syntax so, say I had a column where the 1st value is "1", output would be,
-1 (along with the rest of the column)
therefore the syntax itself for the change operation is viable but I can't override the column on the imported dataframe