
i have a some data from facebook and there is post data like of pages post is like this

page             post_message    post_id

k_page            abc      2235104643378942_2279694418919964
k_page           abc        2235104643378942_2279694418919964
m_page           def      2235104643378942_2269253136630759
m_page          xyz         2235104643378942_2268695880019818

i did not create these post_id this is autogenerate by facebook power bi when i extract data.. now i want to get total sum of these id against each page when i try this


this shows an error

The function SUM cannot work with values of type String.

i also convert post_id into whole number but this seems like this column did not convert into whole number beacuse of this underscore " _ " .. what should i do ..

What do you want to achieve? Count post_id? You can distinctcount for that. The sum will retrieve an extremely large number that will be far off from the number of posts.Angelo Canepa

1 Answers


Not sure if I understand your question but I assume you want to group by Page and then how the count the Post grouped by Page This was original Data

enter image description here

and your desired result. enter image description here

This what you want or something else.