
Is it possible to stop verify/download newer repo from internet, such as

test $  repo init -u [email protected]/test/iot_manifest.git
Get https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/clone.bundle
Get https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo
remote: Counting objects: 1, done
remote: Finding sources: 100% (36/36)

1 Answers


You can't, the repo installed on your computer (the one in your $PATH) is not the full version of repo it is only a launcher.

From the repo documentation on source.android.com:

Repo comes in two parts: One is a launcher script you install, and it communicates with the second part, the full Repo tool included in a source code checkout.

When you run repo init for the first time it gets the full repo and store it in the .repo/repo directory. Every time you'll run repo init again in a brand new repository, the full repo will be downloaded again in .repo/repo.

One thing though you can stop getting the clone.bundle line with repo init --no-clone-bundle

Get repo from your own computer (without internet)

You can use a local version of repo, you need the internet at least to get the git-repo code once. After that you can use this version stored locally in place of the remote ones on Google server.

cd workspace
git clone https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo
mkdir repo_init_no_internet && cd repo_init_no_internet
repo init --repo-url=/home/<user>/workspace/git-repo