When executing a VBA procedure from Excel to connect to an Access database using Microsoft Access Runtime 2016 on my second laptop, the VBA procedure seems to freeze processing for a few seconds, crashes and closes the Excel application without triggering the error handler in my code so there is no error message for me to decipher. What can be the issue or how can I trap the error? This VBA application works fine on my first laptop which has the full version of Access with no issues. The second laptop was working before I loaded Microsoft Access Runtime 2016. I was using a database application called "MDB Plus" which reads Access database files but now that doesn't work anymore.
I'm using the following: OS: Windows 10, MS Office: 2007, MS Access Runtime 2007-2016, Excel VBA 2007
To try to resolve this I: 1.) Uninstalled MS Access Runtime 2016 and the Excel application still crashed, 2.) Install MS Access Runtime 2007 and the Excel application still crashes.
Here is my code:
Sub TestGetTblPrimKey()
Dim oDBConn As ADODB.Connection
Dim sDBConnString As String
Dim moDBTblRecordSet As ADODB.Recordset
Const sDBTableLocPath As String _
= "C:\Users\kmass\AppData\Roaming\InvestManager\"
'Create Database connection
Set oDBConn = New ADODB.Connection
'Create Table Record-Set
Set moDBTblRecordSet = New ADODB.Recordset
'Build DB connection string
sDBConnString = _
"Provider=" & "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" & ";" _
& "Data Source='" _
& sDBTableLocPath _
& "tMeta_Table_Master.accdb" & "'"
'Open Database Table and Record-Set
oDBConn.Open sDBConnString '* <--CRASHES HERE
' Call ... the rest of the code to get record key
'Release Table Objects
Set moDBTblRecordSet = Nothing
Set oDBConn = Nothing
Exit Sub
Debug.Print Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description
Resume TestGetTblPrimKeyExit
End Sub
I expected the code to connect to the Access Database.