
My logic app is continuously polling to SFTP location every min. I have an alert(email) on it if skipped continuously for 5 minutes(i.e. 5 times).

Even after meeting the alert condition it only triggers an alert for once.If I update any conditions in alert rule then it again triggers for once and then stops triggering even it met its condition.

I have added the alert on Trigger Skipped . The logic app trigger is skipping from last 1 hour.

enter image description here

What am I doing wrong? please help.


1 Answers


You have no configuration errors, you may refer to this tutorial: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/platform/alerts-metric-overview

The tutorial shows:

enter image description here

The example is for VM, but it's same to our case. I test another alert(Runs Started). I received the alert email just once, but after a few minutes, I received another email to notify me the azure monitor alert was resolved. And after that, I can receive the alert email again if the count > 4.(below is the screenshot of my "resolved" email)

enter image description here