I am working with an UILabel that is constrained to a fixed width, and no more than a certain height (fixed to, say, half the screen size)
To allow our app to work across iOS devices, I set adjustsfontsizetofitwidth
to be true on the UILabel. This leads to a resulting adjustment of the font size of the text if the screen size is small.
However, it appears that if the font is actually resized, the UILabel now has extra top and bottom padding to the text. This is marked as part of its intrinsic content size.
This extra vertical padding is problematic, because I have a button that needs to sit right below the baseline of the last line of text.
I need a method to now readjust my frame to tightly fit the newly adjusted text size.
I tried using sizeToFit()
as well as invalidateIntrinsicContentSize
in layoutSubviews()
for my view class, but to no avail.
It seems similar to this and this, neither of which have answers that work for me.
class ProblemExample: UIViewController {
private let instructionsLabel: UILabel = {
let label = UILabel().disableAutoresizingMask()
label.numberOfLines = 0
label.text = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ut adhuc argumentum vix, vix eruditi appetere corrumpit in. Quod cibo mnesarchum ex sea. Ad qui case assum delicata, ei laudem prodesset democritum per, alia admodum efficiantur has id. Semper integre ei est, quo dolor causae definitionem ei. Malis impedit vim at, vero quas sit ea. Quaeque expetenda an est."
label.font = Theme.headingFont // BIG FONT
label.setLineSpacing(multiple: 1.15)
label.textColor = .black
label.lineBreakMode = .byTruncatingTail
label.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = true;
label.minimumScaleFactor = 0.5
return label
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Using https://github.com/roberthein/TinyConstraints for syntactical lightness
instructionsLabel.heightToSuperview(multiplier:0.5, relation:.equalOrLess)
button = UIButton()
button.bottom(to: instructionsLabel)