- Input parameters with value:
@StartDate DATE='08/10/2019', @EndDate DATE='08/16/2019'
Need to pivot table tempTR along with input parameters date range @StartDate ='08/10/2019', @EndDate ='08/16/2019'
Required to compare tempTR tables StartDate and EndDate values with input parameters for matching RequestID. If Pivoted Date column matches then it has to be specified as 'Earned' else 'NA'
How is it possible to get below output ? Seeking for experts input.
Table Schema and Data
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tempTR]( [RequestID] [nvarchar](50) , [EID] INT, [EmployeeName] [nvarchar](4000) , [JobTitle] [nvarchar](200) NULL, [StartDate] [Date] , [EndDate] [Date] ) ON [PRIMARY] GO
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES (N'B754FCF4-F2FD-46EA-B6B4-088E17CC4CB8', 1, N'Admin Gobingoo', N'HR Admin', N'2019-08-20', N'2019-08-30')
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES (N'56ED218C-99F2-416F-AF3D-1DE9F7FCE9AF', 200, N'Robin Craft', NULL, N'2019-08-20', N'2019-08-30')
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES (N'EFD2849F-9A3B-4D90-9140-284BAAA44744', 201, N'William Shakespeare', NULL, N'2019-08-20', N'2019-08-30')
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES (N'E287319C-16DA-473F-9F95-4D208B40E8AC', 202, N'Leo Tolstoy', N'zxcv', N'2019-08-20', N'2019-08-30')
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES (N'1C79E1AD-E4FA-48E5-95C7-5F8BC7AD4B8D', 204, N'J. R. R Tolkien', NULL, N'2019-08-20', N'2019-08-30')
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES (N'FF1536D3-062B-48F9-9363-5FED17991B38', 205, N'Edgar Allan Poe', NULL, N'2019-08-20', N'2019-08-30')
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES (N'29E4FD6C-0F19-4AB3-96D9-987E36EFB107', 207, N'Victor huge', NULL, N'2019-08-20', N'2019-08-30')
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES (N'23A75F87-5AA0-48F1-BAA3-9C38C9768059', 200, N'Jennifer Huston', NULL, N'2019-08-12', N'2019-08-13')
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES (N'C78DE75B-E928-4DA2-A94F-995A1A2FB2F5', 1, N'Admin Gobingoo', N'HR Admin', N'2019-08-10', N'2019-08-15')
INSERT [dbo].[tempTR] ([RequestID], [EID], [EmployeeName], [JobTitle], [StartDate], [EndDate]) VALUES ( N'8A802824-4E63-4005-BAD5-FD38807B8848', 201, N'Rocky Villa', NULL, N'2019-08-06', N'2019-08-11')
? – Salman A