I'm creating an app and want users to open their active chat. It is powered by Firebase as backend. However, after retrieving data from the first observable subscription which I need to use to feed as a parameter in the second Observable subscription, the second subscription doesn't return any data: it's empty.
In the first subscription I retrieve a unique ChatID. With the second subscription I want to receive all the messages from the Firebase collection with this ChatID.
I already found that it has something to do with the asynchronous style of observables, but I don't know how to nest observables since neither FlatMap nor MergeMap works with my observable.
//First subscription
this.ActieveGebruikerObservable = this.firebaseService.Gebruiker_lezen(this.ActieveGebruiker.uid);
val => this.ActieveGebruikerDetails = val
//Second subscription
this.ActieveChatObservable = this.firebaseService.Chat_lezen(this.ActieveGebruiker.uid, this.ActieveGebruikerDetails.ActieveChat);
val => this.ActieveChatDetails = val
So it seems like this.ActieveGebruikerDetails.ActieveChat
is empty when fed as paramter into the second subscription. However, when I display it as {{this.ActieveGebruikerDetails.ActieveChat}}
on the page, it returns the desired value.
I want to retrieve the second subscription data, and not to be it blank data.