I create buckets on GCP Storage using the Node.js library. Later, I want to access these GCP Storage buckets from my Firebase iOS app. However, I can't. I receive the following error when trying to access my existing GCP buckets from my iOS app:
Your bucket has not been set up properly for Firebase Storage. Please visit https://console.firebase.google.com/project/MY_PROJECT/storage/files to automatically repair this issue and then retry. If the issue lasts longer than five minutes, you may have insufficient permissions to repair the project. You can check your permissions by visiting https://console.firebase.google.com/iam-admin/iam/project?project=MY_PROJECT."
It seems like I need to go to the Firebase Storage console and manually import existing Google Cloud Storage buckets to my Firebase project (as suggested here).
How can I import existing GCP Storage buckets to my iOS Firebase project programmatically? Or, is there a way to access existing GCP buckets and perform operations on them from my iOS app using Firebase Storage library?
Note: I'm on the Blaze plan. [email protected]
is added to my existing GCP buckets as Storage admin, just like it is for my default Firebase Storage bucket.
Here's a screenshot from Firebase console that explains the situation.