I have the following newtype declaration. It is wrapping a Monad stack transformer stacking some standard mtl monads like Reader and Except.
newtype TrxDbFileBased f a = TrxDbFileBased {
unTrxDbFileBased :: ExceptT TrxDbError (ReaderT TrxDbFileBasedEnv f) a
} deriving (
, Applicative
, Monad
, MonadError TrxDbError
, MonadReader TrxDbFileBasedEnv
, MonadIO
, MonadTrans
data TrxDbFileBasedEnv = TrxDbFileBasedEnv {
workingDirectory :: FilePath
} deriving (Show)
data TrxDbError = TrxDbErrorIO TrxDbFileBasedEnv IOException
| TrxDbErrorStr TrxDbFileBasedEnv String
deriving (Show)
I want this newtype to be an instance of MonadTrans
but I am getting the following error.
• Can't make a derived instance of ‘MonadTrans TrxDbFileBased’
(even with cunning GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving):
cannot eta-reduce the representation type enough
• In the newtype declaration for ‘TrxDbFileBased’
31 | , MonadTrans
| ^^^^^^^^^^
I don't understand why MonadTrans
cannot be derived given that the underlying type is ExceptT
which is an instance of MonadTrans