
I am trying to set up an IndexMatchMatch formula with two column and one row criteria: two column criteria for country code and variable name, and a row criteria for the year.

The data sheet (DATA_WDI) that contains the information has the variable name and country name in two separate columns and the years spread out over the remaining columns (so a wide-format)

Code    Series      1999    2000    2001

AFG     GDPpc       #N/A    #N/A    #N/A

AFG     GDPpcG      #N/A    #N/A    #N/A

AFG     Poverty     #N/A    #N/A    #N/A

The formula I have tried but unfortunately doesn't work is:


Or without the excel reference:


Any suggestions how this could be done instead?

(DATA_WDI!$A$1:$A$2377=Example!C$15)*(DATA_WDI!$B$1:$B$2377=Example!$A$17)Scott Craner

2 Answers


If there are only unique pairs then you can use


to determine the row you need. If pairs can occur multiple times, then you need something with LARGE. Let us know if this is the case


Thanks a lot Scott and OverflowStacker!

In the end, this worked for me:
