So I decided to use KDE Kirigami UI framework in my app so I followed the instructions here. I cloned the repo in my app directory and then added it with a simple include(kirigami/kirigami.pri)
in my project file.
Now this works, however the problem I encountered is that in QML there is always the error: QML module not found
when I import the plugin (import org.kde.kirigami 2.9
). The project still compiles and runs just fine and I am able to use the UI components I need, however the major issue is that code completion and syntax highlighting for the Kirigami plugin do not work.
A similar question has been asked before here, I have tried all the suggestions in the answers of that thread but none of them worked:
I imported
folders using absolute and relative paths. I also tried withqrc:/
.I added a
QML_IMPORT_PATH += $$PWD/kirigami/src/controls $$PWD/kirigami
line to my project file.