I'm trying to use variables which are strings within an array formula. I've used variables within regular formulas in VBA before absolutely fine but no matter how i try to split the formula up using string concatenation (&
and "
symbols) it doesn't seem to take. The formula works fine with the variables hard coded in.
The code is within a loop, matching the 3 variables (pulled from another worksheet in the workbook) over 3 columns in the current worksheet. It will then return this row location (j
) so data from cells in row j
can be used elsewhere.
The formula when used in a cell works fine referencing other cells for the variables. ie -
I've then tried stuff along the lines of the below snippet, but get run-time error '1004'
Dim Var1 As String
Dim Var2 As String
Dim Var3 As String
Dim j As Long
Dim test As String
Set Aw = Application.WorksheetFunction
test = "(A:A = """ & Var1 & """)"
j = Evaluate(Aw.Match(1, [1*" & test & "*(B:B = "Hard_Coded_Var2")*(G:G = "Hard_Coded_Var3")], 0))
Or just
test = Var1
j = Evaluate(Aw.Match(1, [1* (A:A = & test &) *(B:B = "Hard_Coded_Var2")*(G:G = "Hard_Coded_Var3")], 0))
The following works when the variables are hard coded in
Dim j As Long
Set Aw = Application.WorksheetFunction
j = Evaluate(Aw.Match(1, [1* (A:A = "Hard_Coded_Var1")*(B:B = "Hard_Coded_Var2")*(G:G = "Hard_Coded_Var3")], 0))
Ideally the end result would theoretically be like so -
j = Evaluate(Aw.Match(1, [1* (A:A = Var1)*(B:B = Var2)*(G:G = Var3)], 0))
I've been getting runtime error 404 'Application define or object defined error'
Thanks so much!