I am a newbie trying to learn Idris and wanted to create a function test
that returns a Vector whose type is parameterized by the function argument.
vecreplicate : (len : Nat) -> (x : elem) -> Vect len elem
vecreplicate Z x = []
vecreplicate (S k) x = x :: vecreplicate k x
test : (k:Nat) -> Nat -> Vect k Int
test Z = vecreplicate Z (toIntegerNat Z)
test k = vecreplicate k (toIntegerNat k)
When I try to compile the code with Idris I get the following type error
Type mismatch between
Vect len elem (Type of vecreplicate len x)
Nat -> Vect 0 Int (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
Vect len
\uv => Nat -> uv
Why am I getting this error?