I am creating a niche community site+forum where users can sign up, log in, create posts and follow each other.
My tech stack consists of backend APIs in Laravel (using Laravel passport), and a front-end in Vue.js / Nuxt.
I can access all the APIs through Postman, where I call http://localhost:8000/oauth/token to request the token https://laravel.com/docs/master/passport#requesting-password-grant-tokens and then subsequently, I call an API using the provided access_token / bearer token, like
My question is, do I NEED a full oauth flow -- my front-end will indefinitely need access to the backend APIs / data in Laravel, but how does the client get access to the data without going through a 2-way handshake with each user session, which seems like overkill? Do I need a Password Grant Token, an Implicit Grant Token, a Personal Access Token, something else? How do I "whitelist" my front-end javascript client while also somewhat protecting my data from bad use? Also, how do I use Passport to authenticate different types of API requests?
Is the Password Grant token appropriate for all of these.... I have 3 broad categories of data available in the APIs:
- Type 1: Fully open, no Auth, not tied to a user: Examples:
GET /api/tags - API that gets all tags, this should not require authentication + authorization. This API would be used to display all tags on the /tags page, for example.
- Type 2: Admin-only endpoints: Fully closed, not available to anyone, but for me (the Admin). Examples:
POST / PATCH / DELETE /api/tags - APIs that create / update / delete (global) tags, these should only be accessible by me (Admin)
GET /api/users - should only be accessible by me (Admin)
- Type 3: User-specific endpoints, Available to a logged-in user only (and of course the Admin). Examples:
POST / PATCH / DELETE /api/user/1/settings - APIs that create / update / delete (user-specific) data, these should only be accessible by a logged-in user, and by me (Admin).
Is the Password Grant token appropriate for all of these?