I cannot make a react-native app push new controllers from an iOS native framework. I'm trying to wrap it up into a react-native library, and I managed to make the base view be displayed, but when I interact with it, new screens won't be pushed. Is it possible to navigate between native screens located into the native framework?
I wrapped the framework into a react-native library successfully, using react-native-create-library
. I am able to display the base view, and when clicking on buttons that present views on the same screen (such a datepicker) it works fine. But when I click on a button that should pushes a new view controller, it won't react.
I'm testing it into a dummy brand-new react-native app, and changed the AppDelegate.m
to use a UINaVigationController
instead of the default UIViewController
, as follows:
UIViewController *rootViewController = [UIViewController new];
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:rootViewController];
[[RNHellLib sharedInstance] configureSDK: navigationController];
Then in my library I'm doing this:
- (dispatch_queue_t)methodQueue
return dispatch_get_main_queue();
RCT_EXPORT_VIEW_PROPERTY(rootController, UIViewController)
SearchBox *mySearchBox;
- (UIView *)view {
return mySearchBox;
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance {
static RNHellLib *sharedInstance = nil;
static dispatch_once_t onceToken = 0;
dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
sharedInstance = [[RNHellLib alloc] init];
return sharedInstance;
- (void) configureSDK: (UINavigationController *)rootController {
mySearchBox = [[SearchBox alloc] init];
mySearchBox.rootController = rootController;
On the SDK side, I'm pushing new view controllers using viewController.show(viewControllerToBePushed, sender)
, and also tried with viewController.present(viewControllerToBePushed, animation: true)
, but screens don't change either way.
I've read tones of docs and tutorials that use react-navigation or similar libraries to navigate between react-native screens, and also between existing (and known) swift views built up into the same app. But this means that the reat-native side has to know in advance the views that we display when interacting with the elements, instead of letting the framework work as a "black-box" on it's own.
Is it possible? Can it work as a "black-box" as does work in other native apps? Or I will need to compulsorily expose all view controllers and trigger them manually from JSX?