I have a task to draw 3D objects on the ground using OpenGL. I use OpenGL left-handed coord system where Y axis is up. But 3D objects and camera orbiting objects should use different coord systems with following properties:
- XY plane is a ground plane;
- Z-axis is up;
- Y-axis is "North";
- X-axis is "East";
- The azimuth (or horizontal) angle is [0, 360] degrees;
- The elevation (or vertical) angle is [0, 90] degrees from XY plane. End user uses azimuth and elevation to rotate camera around some center. So I made following code to convert from spherical coordinates to quaternion:
//polar: x - radius, y - horizontal angle, z - vertical
QQuaternion CoordinateSystemGround::fromPolarToQuat(const QVector3D& polar) const {
QQuaternion dest = QQuaternion::fromEulerAngles({0, polar.y(), polar.z()});
//convert user coord system back to OpenGL by rotation around X-axis
QQuaternion orig = QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle(1, 0, 0, -90);
return dest * orig;
and back:
QVector3D CoordinateSystemGround::fromQuatToPolar(const QQuaternion& q) const {
//convert OpenGL coord system to destination by rotation around X-axis
QQuaternion dest = QQuaternion::fromAxisAndAngle(1, 0, 0, 90);
QQuaternion out = q * dest;
QVector3D euler = out.toEulerAngles();
float hor = euler.y();
if(hor < 0.0f)
hor += 360.0f;
float ver = euler.z();
if(ver > 90.0f)
ver = 90.0f;
else if(ver < 0.0f)
ver = 0.0f;
//x changes later
return QVector3D(0, hor, ver);
But it doesn't work right. I suppose fromPolarToQuat conversion has mistake somewhere and I can't understand where.
to setup a view matrix. – Rabbid76