
There are two kind of messages in Vanet that are considered as safety messages.Their name are 1.beacon 2.event driven (emergency message). I am using omnet++ 5.4.1,veins 4.7.1 and sumo-0.30.0. However veins just has BSM(beacon) and WSA and data that all of them are not emergency message.how can I access to the emergency message in veins? I need to access to the event driven message. I read stackoverflow over and over but I did not find that.


1 Answers


As of Veins 4.7.1, only generic message types are included with Veins. You can use them to create a simulation according to your needs. The tutorial example illustrates how to send an event triggered message with a defined transmit power and access category. It might be a good starting point to write your simulation.