
I have an app in the app store that I have added an in app purchase for, I fully tested it in the sandbox environment and all worked fine. I have had the app update and the in app purchase approved by apple and according to iTunes connect all has gone live. The app updates just fine but then in app purchase simply doesn't work!! No products are returned! Anyone else have this problem? Surely if it worked in the sandbox and apple has approved it, there should be no issues!?


5 Answers


It's all working just fine now! I didn't do anything it just seems to have taken about 36 hours for the in app purchase product to propagate through apples servers! :)


We just went live about an hour ago with the EXACT same issue. Everything worked during testing and even when Apple reviewed the application. I even verified they completed test purchases via analytics. But when users in the app store download the update, try to buy the feature it just fails.

My only guess is our store data has propagated to their live servers? The apps are still using the sandbox environment?


Which URL are you using to connect to the Apple servers?

The sandbox url is:


When launching the app or going live the url needs to be changed to the live Apple servers:



This has got nothing to with the receipts or anything. If it was working in the Sandbox mode, it's gonna get automatically fixed in around 24 hours in the live version, don't worry. The exact same thing happened to us and we could do nothing but wait...


Also, make sure the iTunes account on your device is set to your real account. If you are are still logged into a test user from when you were testing your IAP stuff, your purchases won't work.