I am defining a RAML 1.0 datatype with property that can be 'nil.' The type of that property is an !included datatype which, whilst not giving any errors in the datatype definition causes the root object to throw a "Unresolved reference '!includereference-data.raml' at libraries/types/personal-details.raml (10, 12)'
I've tried converting the DataType to a library to try and implement a "uses" or "types" but that impacts all the other objects that include this data type.
#%RAML 1.0 DataType
DateOfBirth: datetime
FirstName: string
FamilyName: nil | string
PreferredName: nil | string
PreviousNames: nil | string
Title: !include reference-data.raml
Gender: nil | !include reference-data.raml
The 'Title' property is working as expected, the error is thrown against the Gender property - I actually want both to be nillable.