I always thought that Haskell would do some sort of automatic intelligent memoizing. E.g., the naive Fibonacci implementation
fib 0 = 0
fib 1 = 1
fib n = fib (n-2) + fib (n-1)
would be fast because of that. Now I read this and it seems I was wrong -- Haskell doesn't seem to do automatic memoization. Or do I understand something wrong?
Are there other languages which do automatic (i.e. implicit, not explicit) memoization?
What are common ways to implement memoization? In all sample implementations I have seen, they use a hashmap but there isn't any limit in its size. Obviously, this wouldn't work in practice because you need some sort of limit. And given that, it becomes more complicated because when you hit the limit, you have to throw some data away. And there it becomes complicated: Should the limit maybe be dynamically and often used functions should have a higher limit than less often used functions? And what entry do you throw away when you hit the limit? Just the latest used one? In that case, you need to have your data also sorted in addition. You could use some combination of a linked list and a hash map to achieve that. Is that the common way?
Could you maybe link (or refer) to some common real-world implementations?
Thanks, Albert
Edit: I am mostly interested in that problem I described, i.e. how to implement such a limit. Any references to any papers which address this would be very nice.
Edit: Some own thoughts with a sample implementation (which has a limit) can be found here.
Edit: I am not trying to solve a specific problem in a specific application. I am searching for general solutions for memoization which could be applied globally to all functions of a (pure functional) program (thus algorithms which don't implement a memory limit are not a solution). Of course there (probably) is no optimal/best solution. But this makes my question not less interesting.
For trying out such solution, I thought about adding it to Haskell as an optimization. I really wonder how well that would perform.
And I wonder if someone has done that already.