
I have the following route

    path: ':teamId/sample',
    component: SampleComponent

Let's say I'm currently at the route 10/sample, How can I navigate using the Router to x/sample where the value x is obtained dynamically (observable subscription, etc).

If I have to replace query params for the active URL I would simply do

this.router.navigate([], {
    queryParams: { // updated params },
    queryParamsHandling: 'merge',

but how to achieve the same with Route params?

EDIT: I have a bunch of such routes and the route param isn't always the first part of the route, It can be even be like /xyz/abc/:teamId/foo, I am looking for a generic solution which also handles such cases.



1 Answers


This should do the trick:

this.randomNumberService.data$.subscribe(random => {
  const snaphsot = this.activatedRoute.snapshot.pathFromRoot;

  this.router.navigate(snaphsot.slice(1).map(s => {
    if (s.routeConfig.path === ':teamId') {
      return random;
    return s.url.join('/');
  }), {preserveQueryParams: true})

Important to note:

For this solution you have to configure the ':teamId' path as it's own segement, like:

    path: ':teamId',
    children: [
      {path: 'after', component: SampleComponent}

Otherwise the check s.routeConfig.path === ':teamId' will resolve to false.
