I am using an SVG image in my application. I want to stretch the image to fit the viewport by specifying the width and height to it. But, it is not stretching. Please look at the SVG code below.
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" preserveAspectRatio="none" width="1009" height="577" viewBox="0 0 1009 577">
<path id="login-background-b" d="M30,55.176624 L608,55.176624 C624.568542,55.176624 638,68.6080815 638,85.176624 L638,498.176624 C638,514.745167 624.568542,528.176624 608,528.176624 L30,528.176624 C13.4314575,528.176624 0,514.745167 0,498.176624 L0,85.176624 C0,68.6080815 13.4314575,55.176624 30,55.176624 Z"/>
<filter id="login-background-a" width="104.2%" height="105.7%" x="-2.1%" y="-2.9%" filterUnits="objectBoundingBox">
<feMorphology in="SourceAlpha" operator="dilate" radius="1" result="shadowSpreadOuter1"/>
<feOffset in="shadowSpreadOuter1" result="shadowOffsetOuter1"/>
<feGaussianBlur in="shadowOffsetOuter1" result="shadowBlurOuter1" stdDeviation="3.5"/>
<feColorMatrix in="shadowBlurOuter1" values="0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.178895323 0"/>
<g fill="none" fill-rule="evenodd" transform="translate(9 .823)">
<path fill="#F0EEEF" d="M155.84305,574.219674 C154.077319,574.494565 152.304536,574.722075 150.526612,574.901961 C95.5786682,580.461447 46.5277046,540.42419 40.9682188,485.476246 L-3.41060513e-13,80.5612139 L511.937215,0.86245338 C513.208541,0.664532341 514.484945,0.50072478 515.76505,0.371207178 C555.327569,-3.63162264 590.644263,25.1952017 594.647093,64.7577215 L638.589181,499.065403 L155.84305,574.219674 Z"/>
<use fill="#000" filter="url(#login-background-a)" xlink:href="#login-background-b"/>
<use fill="#FFF" xlink:href="#login-background-b"/>
I have tried so many ways to solve this issue by adding preserveAspectRatio to none and removing view box etc.. Still no luck.
Please help me solve this. Thank you...
viewBox="-10 0 660 577"
and remove both width and height attributes. Also remove thetransform="translate(9 .823)"
from the group. In order to get the size of the group you may usethe_group.getBBox()
where the_group represents the group. This is returning the position (x,y) and the size (width,height) of the group and you may use it to define the value for theviewBox
– enxaneta