I have data like this:
var data = [{
x: Date.UTC(1951, 5, 22),
name: 'First dogs in space',
label: 'fds',
dataLabels: {
allowOverlap: false,
format: '<span style="color:{point.color}">● </span><span style="font-weight: bold;" > ' +
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1957, 9, 4),
name: 'First artificial satellite',
label: 'First artificial satellite',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1959, 0, 4),
name: 'First artificial satellite to reach the Moon',
label: 'First artificial satellite to reach the Moon',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1961, 3, 12),
name: 'First human spaceflight',
label: 'First human spaceflight',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1966, 1, 3),
name: 'First soft landing on the Moon',
label: 'First soft landing on the Moon',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1969, 6, 20),
name: 'First human on the Moon',
label: 'First human on the Moon',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1971, 3, 19),
name: 'First space station',
label: 'First space station',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1971, 11, 2),
name: 'First soft Mars landing',
label: 'First soft Mars landing',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1976, 3, 17),
name: 'Closest flyby of the Sun',
label: 'Closest flyby of the Sun',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1978, 11, 4),
name: 'First orbital exploration of Venus',
label: 'First orbital exploration of Venus',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1986, 1, 19),
name: 'First inhabited space station',
label: 'First inhabited space station',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1989, 7, 8),
name: 'First astrometric satellite',
label: 'First astrometric satellite',
}, {
x: Date.UTC(1998, 10, 20),
name: 'First multinational space station',
label: 'First multinational space station',
Here is the fiddle link for your reference: Fiddle
In which I want some clickable event or others not according to my condition. Ex: If the label name is "First artificial satellite to reach the Moon" and "First soft landing on the Moon" It won't be clickable and others are clickable.