
I'm having an api where I'll get image in base64 format, it can in any of the formats(.png, .jpg, .svg etc...).

I want to display the images in my application using:

  <img *ngIf="imageBase64" [src]="imageBase64 ? ('data:image/svg+xml ;base64,' +imageBase64 | safe) : ''" alt="" />

How can I display images in different formats in the best way possible.

Thanks in advance.



The above is a base64 format of .svg file.

so in src property binding if I give data:image/svg+xml, it will work, I need a generic format to print image even if it is png format etc...

like data:image/svg+xml/png/jpg etc... which is not working

What format is the variable imageBase64? can you give an example?callback
@callback its in base64 format and it may contain any image format such as svg or png etc..Anil Kumar Reddy A
Can you show one example?callback
@callback added example, can you look in to this onceAnil Kumar Reddy A

2 Answers


You'd have to create a function that first decodes the encoded string, and then extracts the type from the decoded string provided a finite set of type options.

getType(imageBase64) { 
    let extension = undefined; 
    const decodedString = window.atob(imageBase64); //decode the string;
    const lowerCase = decodedString.toLowerCase();
    // find the extension in the decoded string
    if (lowerCase.indexOf("png") !== -1) extension = "png"
    else if (lowerCase.indexOf("svg") !== -1) extension = "svg+xml"
    else if (lowerCase.indexOf("jpg") !== -1 || lowerCase.indexOf("jpeg") !== -1)
        extension = "jpg"
    // add more cases if needed..
    return extension;

Then use this function in your template.

<img *ngIf="imageBase64" [src]="imageBase64 ? ('data:image/' + getType(imageBase64) + ';base64,' +imageBase64 | safe) : ''" alt="" />

Try this:

<img *ngIf="imageBase64" [src]="imageBase64.base64">