I have successfully set up SAML on my react web app with Google Identity Platform and the redirection works when logging in with my test account with Okta(Identity Provider). There is no documentation for mobile SAML setup for Google Identity Platform. Is there any way to set this up or customize the redirect behavior so that it redirects to a mobile URL scheme? (for example, my-apps-bundle-id://saml-sign-in)
1 Answers
It's not yet supported by Firebase for native apps. The "classic" approach is to use a secure equivalent of a web view: SFSafariViewController in iOS9+ or Chrome Custom Tabs in Chrome 45+
on OKTA and see if it is honored by the app? – Sergio PulgarinRelayState
can be used to redirect users after authentication happens. I'm not 100% sure that it will work, but try looking for the Relay State parameter on OKTA and set it to the mobile URL scheme that you want. You can use the web inspector [Preserve logs] to see if OKTA sent this parameter in theSAMLResponse
to the ACS endpoint. – Sergio Pulgarin