I'm developing a web app where the main functionality involves running a scheduled job every Monday of every week. To do this, I am using APscheduler and a clock process that runs every week. Heroku recommends that you only use the clock process for scheduling the jobs and use a separate worker dyno to actually carry out the job:
...it’s important to note that no work should be done in the clock process itself for reasons already covered in the clock processes article. Instead schedule a background job that will perform the actual work invoked from the clock process.
However, I am also only on the free tier, which means I can only have one dyno other than my web dyno. So is there actually a downside to executing the actual work in the clock process?
Other answers say that the recommendation is just for "best practices", since long-running jobs may push the scheduler back and prevent other jobs from being scheduled. However, I only have one job, the job is expected to take about five minutes max, and is only executed once a week.
Any advice is appreciated!