
I am trying to find a objectCategory query that will return all the "users" in my active directory.

I thought this would be as simple as (objectCategory=user). And while that does return the bulk of my users, it does not return them all.

I have some Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA) in my Active Directory. They have the objectCategory of msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount. When I look up msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount it indicates that it has fields derived from user.

That leads me to to believe that msDS-GroupManagedServiceAccount is a subclass of user. Which leads to my question:

Is there a way to indicate that I want all objects that are of objectCategory user AND all objects that descend from objectCategory user?

Can you do it with an objectClass match? That would work, as all parent classes are present too.user207421

2 Answers


Search by objectClass instead of objectCategory:


The objectClass attribute started being indexed in Windows Server 2008, so as long as you're running 2008+, it will be just as fast as searching by objectCategory.


Not a complete answer to your bolded question, but a workaround for for your particular case would be to use an or expression.
