
I have the following that I want to perform a multiple column melt upon:

# Load library

# Dummy data set
dt <- data.table(a = 1:10,
                 t_alpha = runif(10),
                 t_beta = runif(10),
                 t_gamma = runif(10),
                 s_alpha = runif(10),
                 s_beta = runif(10),
                 s_gamma = runif(10))

# Look at data table
#>      a    t_alpha    t_beta    t_gamma    s_alpha     s_beta   s_gamma
#>  1:  1 0.73315322 0.7777962 0.13258401 0.12841353 0.20865995 0.8967482
#>  2:  2 0.10161042 0.9691244 0.23506277 0.35130324 0.36672933 0.9247026
#>  3:  3 0.95234142 0.7002526 0.07104051 0.85558314 0.39467530 0.8982107
#>  4:  4 0.48967202 0.3951288 0.72376459 0.58978334 0.47201394 0.8508710
#>  5:  5 0.22997537 0.3487354 0.58831312 0.63917860 0.12685815 0.5616682
#>  6:  6 0.01138277 0.0449675 0.79384717 0.28983485 0.98793013 0.6574457
#>  7:  7 0.32324941 0.3446745 0.66394161 0.16357679 0.14828451 0.2019661
#>  8:  8 0.78644407 0.4460397 0.76992857 0.78703793 0.46623055 0.3081812
#>  9:  9 0.90938120 0.4526063 0.47948163 0.03182248 0.63600496 0.3598600
#> 10: 10 0.11345349 0.1732653 0.59240218 0.95541944 0.06640378 0.9475107

So, I go ahead and melt, like so:

# Groups of columns to melt
m <- list(names(dt)[grepl("t_", names(dt))],
          names(dt)[grepl("s_", names(dt))])

# Perform melt
dt2 <- melt(dt, measure = m, value.name = c("t", "s"))

which gives,

# Examine results
#>      a variable          t          s
#>  1:  1        1 0.73315322 0.12841353
#>  2:  2        1 0.10161042 0.35130324
#>  3:  3        1 0.95234142 0.85558314
#>  4:  4        1 0.48967202 0.58978334
#>  5:  5        1 0.22997537 0.63917860
#>  6:  6        1 0.01138277 0.28983485
#>  7:  7        1 0.32324941 0.16357679
#>  8:  8        1 0.78644407 0.78703793
#>  9:  9        1 0.90938120 0.03182248
#> 10: 10        1 0.11345349 0.95541944
#> 11:  1        2 0.77779618 0.20865995
#> 12:  2        2 0.96912444 0.36672933
#> 13:  3        2 0.70025264 0.39467530
#> 14:  4        2 0.39512877 0.47201394
#> 15:  5        2 0.34873538 0.12685815
#> 16:  6        2 0.04496750 0.98793013
#> 17:  7        2 0.34467455 0.14828451
#> 18:  8        2 0.44603969 0.46623055
#> 19:  9        2 0.45260634 0.63600496
#> 20: 10        2 0.17326532 0.06640378
#> 21:  1        3 0.13258401 0.89674825
#> 22:  2        3 0.23506277 0.92470265
#> 23:  3        3 0.07104051 0.89821074
#> 24:  4        3 0.72376459 0.85087097
#> 25:  5        3 0.58831312 0.56166816
#> 26:  6        3 0.79384717 0.65744574
#> 27:  7        3 0.66394161 0.20196612
#> 28:  8        3 0.76992857 0.30818121
#> 29:  9        3 0.47948163 0.35986003
#> 30: 10        3 0.59240218 0.94751075
#>      a variable          t          s

That's great!

Now, notice an extra column, variable. That corresponds to each of my columns for t and s. Specifically, 1 = alpha, 2 = beta, and 3 = gamma. I can fix this variable as follows:

# Fix variable names
v_names <- c("alpha", "beta", "gamma")
dt2$variable <- v_names[dt2$variable]


# Examine results
#>      a variable          t          s
#>  1:  1    alpha 0.73315322 0.12841353
#>  2:  2    alpha 0.10161042 0.35130324
#>  3:  3    alpha 0.95234142 0.85558314
#>  4:  4    alpha 0.48967202 0.58978334
#>  5:  5    alpha 0.22997537 0.63917860
#>  6:  6    alpha 0.01138277 0.28983485
#>  7:  7    alpha 0.32324941 0.16357679
#>  8:  8    alpha 0.78644407 0.78703793
#>  9:  9    alpha 0.90938120 0.03182248
#> 10: 10    alpha 0.11345349 0.95541944
#> 11:  1     beta 0.77779618 0.20865995
#> 12:  2     beta 0.96912444 0.36672933
#> 13:  3     beta 0.70025264 0.39467530
#> 14:  4     beta 0.39512877 0.47201394
#> 15:  5     beta 0.34873538 0.12685815
#> 16:  6     beta 0.04496750 0.98793013
#> 17:  7     beta 0.34467455 0.14828451
#> 18:  8     beta 0.44603969 0.46623055
#> 19:  9     beta 0.45260634 0.63600496
#> 20: 10     beta 0.17326532 0.06640378
#> 21:  1    gamma 0.13258401 0.89674825
#> 22:  2    gamma 0.23506277 0.92470265
#> 23:  3    gamma 0.07104051 0.89821074
#> 24:  4    gamma 0.72376459 0.85087097
#> 25:  5    gamma 0.58831312 0.56166816
#> 26:  6    gamma 0.79384717 0.65744574
#> 27:  7    gamma 0.66394161 0.20196612
#> 28:  8    gamma 0.76992857 0.30818121
#> 29:  9    gamma 0.47948163 0.35986003
#> 30: 10    gamma 0.59240218 0.94751075
#>      a variable          t          s

Created on 2019-08-09 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)

This is my desired result. My question is, can I perform this operation (i.e., renaming of the values in the variable column) during the melt or do I just have to patch it up afterwards?

This is not your question, but FYI you don't need to make m, you can use the patterns function with this code melt(dt, measure.vars = patterns(t = 't_', s = 's_'))IceCreamToucan
See also stackoverflow.com/questions/41883573/… (no real answer for how to do it within melt, I guess it's not possible)IceCreamToucan
There is an open issue requesting this functionality on data.table github: github.com/Rdatatable/data.table/issues/2551IceCreamToucan
Not what you were looking for I guess but reshape can do this: reshape(dt, idvar = "a", varying = 2:ncol(dt), sep = "_", direction = "long", timevar = "variable")markus
One option is patching up on the same line: melt(dt, measure.vars = patterns(t = 't_', s = 's_'))[, variable := factor(variable, labels = c("alpha", "beta", "gamma"))]sindri_baldur

1 Answers


Here is an option in pivot_longer from the dev version of tidyr

library(tidyr)# ‘’
dt %>% 
   pivot_longer(-a, names_to= c(".value", "variable"), names_sep = "_")
# A tibble: 30 x 4
#       a variable      t       s
#   <int> <chr>     <dbl>   <dbl>
# 1     1 alpha    0.592  0.0634 
# 2     1 beta     0.316  0.339  
# 3     1 gamma    0.760  0.751  
# 4     2 alpha    0.936  0.445  
# 5     2 beta     0.232  0.00250
# 6     2 gamma    0.0111 0.406  
# 7     3 alpha    0.0950 0.102  
# 8     3 beta     0.426  0.775  
# 9     3 gamma    0.321  0.811  
#10     4 alpha    0.884  0.0526 
# … with 20 more rows

NOTE: The values are different as there was no set.seed