Currently I'm having trouble with deploying an Azure VM from an ARM template using an Azure Function which is written in C#, whilst using a JObject, from the Newjonsoft.Json,Linq library, to provide parameters for the new VM.
The JObject.FromObject() method formulates parameters in the format "{"paramName": "paramValue"}"
, however I believe that it needs to be formulated as "{"paramName": { "value": "paramValue"}
. I'm not sure if 'contentVersion' and '$schema' ARM Template parameters also need to be specified for this to work.
So far I have tried to formulate the object using a dynamic variable, which is then converted to string and parsed using JObject.Parse() method, however this only works to produce the same result as described before.
Azure Function code sample (not all code):
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent;
using Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System;
using Microsoft.Rest.Azure;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
// Authenticate with Azure
IAzure azure = await
// Get current datetime
string Datetime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddHHmmss");
log.LogInformation("Initiating VM ARM Template Deployment");
var parameters = azureVmDeploymentRequest.ToArmParameters(
subscriptionId: azureVmDeploymentRequest.SubscriptionId,
imageReferencePublisher: azureVmDeploymentRequest.ImageReferencePublisher
// AzNewVmRequestArmParametersMain is a custom object containing the
// parameters needed for the ARM template, constructed with GET SET
var parametersMain = new AzNewVmRequestArmParametersMain
parameters = parameters
var jParameters = JObject.FromObject(parameters);
// Deploy VM from ARM template if request is valid
var vmArmTemplateParams = new ARMTemplateDeploymentRequest
DeploymentName = "vmDeployTfLCP-" + Datetime,
ParametersObject = jParameters,
ResourceGroupName = azureVmDeploymentRequest.ResourceGroupName,
TemplateUri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("VM_ARMTEMPLATE_URI"),
SasToken = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("STORAGE_ACCOUNT_SASTOKEN")
ARM Template Deployment class code sample (not all code):
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Fluent;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.ResourceManager.Fluent;
using System;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Microsoft.Rest.Azure;
// Formulate ARM template URI
var ArmTemplatePath = ARMTemplateDeploymentRequest.TemplateUri + ARMTemplateDeploymentRequest.SasToken;
deployment = azure.Deployments.Define(ARMTemplateDeploymentRequest.DeploymentName)
.WithTemplateLink(ArmTemplatePath, "")
As an expected result, i'm expecting the code to simply initiate an ARM template deployment to a Azure Resource Group, however currently it is failing with the following message:
'The request content was invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Error converting value "parameterValue" to type 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ResourceStack.Frontdoor.Data.Definitions.DeploymentParameterDefinition'. Path 'properties.parameters.vNetResourceGroup', line 8, position 48.'.'