
I noticed that a lot of apps that I use (Pokemon GO, CityMapper, Booking.com and many others) Don't display consent screen when using google sign-in, however our app always displays it to all users.

enter image description here

The scopes we are requesting are: email, profile, openid according to consent screen settings (https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/credentials/consent)

But in code we only request email scope. I also noticed that I cannot remove them from Google developer console consent tab

Google OAuth consent screen scopes

How can I make sure that consent screen is not shown?

The code we use is as simple as that:

GoogleSignInOptions gso = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN)

Just wanted to add that it's absolutely not clear from any of google docs on what makes consent screen show up or not

how are you making the API call that triggers the consent screen? can you add the code?Steven
Redacting only some of the instances of the app name in the screenshot is not terribly effective ...hmakholm left over Monica
@HenningMakholm haha, just noticed it :) thanksYuri
is there a reason for the duplicate email in the scopes?Jake P
It sounds like this is reproducible across a fresh account? From your description, there should not be any additional consent screen. Can you send the OAuth client ID and app info to [email protected] so we can take a look?Steven

1 Answers


Thanks to @steven-soneff above, the reason why my consent screen was shown is that I was requesting offline access from google oauth api