I'm very new to the Akka World, much less on Akka-typed. Sorry too if this one's stupid, :(
So, I followed the Request-Response interaction pattern, for actors to interact. That means adding an actorRef in my commands.
However my commands are all in protobuf. I had to serialize the actorRef. How can actor1 deserialize the actorRef of actor2 without knowledge of actor2's ActorSystem?
I've read an answer: (https://manuel.bernhardt.io/2018/07/20/akka-anti-patterns-java-serialization/#comment-157564) But I have trouble understanding the solution... :(
message WorkgroupCommand {
oneof sealed_value {
EnqueueWorkDone enq = 1;
QueueFull qF = 2;
message EnqueueWorkDone {
required string id = 1;
required string replyTo = 2; //serialized actorRef
private val system1 = ActorSystem(Behaviors.empty, "system-1")
val commandHandler:(State, WorkgroupCommand) => Effect[Event,State] ={
case (state, EnqueueWorkDone(id, replyTo)) =>
//how to deserialize replyTo ?????
private val system2 = ActorSystem(mainBehavior, "system-2")
private val resolver = ActorRefResolver(system2.toTyped)
def mainBehavior = Behaviors.setup{ context =>
//assuming the we have the Workgroup actor
Workgroup ! EnqueueWorkDone("12345",
Is there a way? Would it help if both the Workgroup and the Agent are children of a main actorSystem?