
I am using Angular Mat-Table and have created a table with expandable rows just like the one below in Angular 8:


I wanted to know if there was a way that I can create an expand all button that will expand every single row at one time instead of having to click on each row at a time to expand it.

Thank you!


1 Answers


You can do that by introducing a property that you can toggle (via a button for example) that you check in addition to the expandedElement.

Add a button in the template to toggle the expand/collapse all:

<button mat-raised-button (click)="toggle()">{{allRowsExpanded ? 'Collapse' : 'Expand'}}</button>

Change the condition for a row to be expanded:

<div class="example-element-detail"
           [@detailExpand]="(element == expandedElement || allRowsExpanded) ? 'expanded' : 'collapsed'">

And wire it up in the component:

allRowsExpanded: boolean = false;

public toggle() {
  this.allRowsExpanded = !this.allRowsExpanded;
  this.expandedElement = null;

Have a look at this stackblitz for a working example.