I have a very simple request. Loop through a dataset, turning each observation into a macro variable, and then doing a comparison on that macro variable. here's what my code looks like:
%do n = 1 %to &i2.;
data want;
set have;
%if _N_ = &n. %then %do;
call symputx("Var1",var1);
call symputx("var2",var2);
data want;
retain FinalCount
set have;
where Variable1="&var1.";
by SomeVariable
if first.SomeVariable then FinalCount=0;
if final="FINAL" then FinalCount+1;
if Finalcount=&var2. then Final_Samples=1;
The part that is failing in the _N_ = &n.
section. I keep getting the error "Variable N has been defined as both character and numeric." Basically I just need to set each observation as a macro variable once to do the next comparison, and then move on to the next guy. So, if there's a better way of doing that, please let me know. Otherwise, could you help me figure out why that comparison is not working?
if _N_ = &n then do;
right? – SAS2Python