
I'm starting a new project using asp.net Core 2 with Identity, and would like to change the Razor pages Register.cshtml and Register.cshtml.cs pages to Signup.cshtml and Signup.cshtml.cs. However, after doing so, the page will show validation errors but will not submit and I cannot hit a breakpoint in the OnPostAsync. Is there something going on "under the hood" that prevents this from working?

I suspect this doesn't have anything to do with Razor Pages at all. It seems to be a client-side issue. Perhaps some broken JS. Something is actually preventing the submit button from working properly. You might even just have a client-side validation error that's not exposing a validation message, so you can't tell there's actually an error.Chris Pratt
Thanks @ChrisPratt, some bad Javascript was the cause.PixelPaul

1 Answers


After scaffolding Identity to your project , rename the Register.cshtml to Signup.cshtml won't work since the Register button will still redirect to /Identity/Account/Register , which is controlled by Identity RCL after renaming .

You can modify the _LoginPartial.cshtml , and change the link to :

<a class="nav-link text-dark" asp-area="Identity" asp-page="/Account/Signup">Register</a>

So that it will use the Signup page .