2 Answers


This is the default behavior of AzureDevop basically &version/ &wikiversion is denoted which branch the code/wiki is showing in the UI. Even if you don't provide the Version AzureDevOps will automatically append it to indicate which branch is chosen.

Let's say in your repo you have multiple branches means like master/ develop then based on the branch you choose the &version will change automatically like &version=GBmaster or &version=GBdevelop if you don't provide the default branch will be appended in the query.


Is it possible to configure DevOps not to append it?

No, there isn't a way to configure it. It's the expected behavior as Jayendran described, it's a tag which marks the file version from which branch.

If you want to see the contents of the files without the &version=GBmaster, then you can try call the REST API : Items - Get

For example:

https://{organization}.visualstudio.com/{Project}/_apis/git/repositories/{Repository ID}/items?path=WAP/WAP.Tests/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs