When I try to run a single TestNG test class from the command line using the command
mvn test -Dtest=NBC1
where NBC1 is the name of my test class, I get an error message saying "Failed to execute goal... No tests wre executed!
I am running this using Java. My current configuration is that I have one master testng.xml suite file in my project root. I have this listed in my POM file as an XmlSuiteFile. This testng.xml file contains other suite files which contain the actual test classes. I have tried moving these out and not nesting my suite files, but it still does not work. Each test class contains only 1 test method.
Here is where I specify my top-level suite file
And this is what my suite file looks like
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd" >
<suite name = "Test Suite">
<listener class-name="com.project.selenium.utilities.AnnotationTransformer" />
<suite-file path="src/main/java/com/project/selenium/testsuites/foo1/FullSuite.xml" />
<suite-file path="src/main/java/com/project/selenium/testsuites/foo2/FullSuite.xml" />
This is what one of the FullSuite.xml files looks like. I've left off some suite-files for simplicity's sake
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd" >
<suite name="AssureTrak Full Suite">
<suite-file path="src/main/java/com/project/selenium/testsuites/foo1/Cleanup.xml" />
<suite-file path="src/main/java/com/project/selenium/testsuites/foo1/DataSetup.xml" />
And, finally, this is a lowest level suite file looks like
<!DOCTYPE suite SYSTEM "http://testng.org/testng-1.0.dtd" >
<suite name = "DataSetup">
<test name = "DataSetup">
<class name="com.project.selenium.testcases.foo1.datasetup.nbc.NBC1" />
<class name = "com.project.selenium.testcases.foo1.datasetup.nbc.NBC2" />
<class name = "com.project.selenium.testcases.foo1.datasetup.nbc.NBC3" />
<class name = "com.project.selenium.testcases.foo1.datasetup.nbc.NBC4" />
<class name = "com.project.selenium.testcases.foo1.datasetup.nbc.NBC5" />