
I'm building a search engine with SOLR, and when an user searches for a phrase such as "apple", I get results such as:

Babyfood, apple ... apple, raw

I want "apple, raw" to appear ahead of "babyfood, apple" because the word apple appears in the front. Is there a way to do this with SOLR? To give more score to those results where the search term appears more in the front?

Why Solr returns "Babyfood" if you are searching for apple? are you using synonyms? So the question is: how to "de-boost" synonyms?! Could you please post a part of the schema.xml - the type definition of the fieldtype, where "apple" is part of? Something like ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-solr1 <- Listing 3The Bndr

1 Answers


try q=(field:apple*)^2 OR field:apple

where field is the name of the field against which you are searching