
I'm struggeling to find the correct way to document S4 methods that act on classes in external packages. Disclaimer: I'm quite new to S4 and OOP in general.

Suppose I have the following generic with roxygen comments:

#' Converting an object to a polygon data.frame
#' @param object some description
#' @param selection some description
#' @details This function tries to parameterise polygons.
#' @return A data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' x <- S4Vectors::Rle(rep(1:5, each = 5))
#' to_poly(x)
setGeneric("to_poly", function(object, selection) standardGeneric("to_poly"))

And I've written the following method for the class Rle from the S4Vectors package (on bioconductor). These Rle's do similar things to what base::rle does, but has some additional convenient functions.

#' @rdname to_poly
  signature(object = "Rle", selection = "missing"),
  function(object) {
    requireNamespace("S4Vectors", quietly = TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(
      x = c(1, base::rbind(start(object), end(object)), length(object)),
      y = c(0, base::rbind(runValue(object), runValue(object)), 0)

Now the reason that I use requireNamespace instead of adding #' importFrom S4Vectors Rle at the top, is that I don't want people to be forced to download S4Vectors when installing the package. I still want this method to exists, alongside similar methods for base::rle.

However, when I run devtools::document(roclets = c('rd', 'collate', 'namespace')) to use roxygen2 to document the above, I get the following warning:

in method for ‘to_poly’ with signature ‘object="Rle",selection="missing"’: no definition for class “Rle”

So clearly, this seems to be a suboptimal way of documenting since the #' importFrom S4Vectors Rle method works fine, but this then becomes a dependency I'm not keen on (I think).

What would be the optimal way to document this method, that doesn't let roxygen2 throw errors and doesn't force users to install S4Vectors?


1 Answers


I'll answer my own question for when anyone in the future might face the same issue.

I don't know if this is the best way of doing it, but I found some hints in ?signature-class.

Briefly, next to a slot to hold the class name (.Data) and the argument names (names), the signature class object also has a package slot. This particular slot is not a formal argument of signature() and neither is it of the constructor new("signature", functionDef, ...).

The way around this is to manually build a structure and pass the structure to as(..., "signature"). The documentation doesn't give any errors, the functions still work and I don't need the package names in the import field.

  as(structure(.Data = c("Rle", "missing"),
               names = c("object", "selection"),
               package = c("S4Vectors", "")),
  function(object) {
    requireNamespace("S4Vectors", quietly = TRUE)
    df <- data.frame(
      x = c(1, base::rbind(start(object), end(object)), length(object)),
      y = c(0, base::rbind(runValue(object), runValue(object)), 0)