I'm using an ESP8266 in access point mode to send it some data (wifi credentials) from a mobile app via HTTP. The access point init code is very simple:
IPAddress apIP(10, 10, 10, 1);
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0);
WiFi.softAPConfig(apIP, apIP, subnet);
WiFi.softAP(ACCESS_POINT_NAME); // No password requird
What I find is that sometimes the mobile phone connects to the ESP's network seamlessly, and other times seriously struggles (rejects the connection, or takes > 3 mins to connect).
Questions are:
- Are there issues with this code that could make a connection to the ESP by a client temperamental (sometimes fine, other times not)? Like should I change the WiFi channel from 1? Are the static IP/Subnet mask creating issues?
- Is the issue likely hardware related - i.e. sometimes the client gets a good wifi signal from the ESP, sometimes not?