I'm trying to load data from Elasticsearch to Mongo DB. I want to retain the same _id value that is present in elasticsearch while writing to Mongo as well. I'm able to do it, but the _id field is of type String in Elastic search and I would like to push it into Mongo DB after coverting it to Mongo ObjectId datatype.
The data from elasticsearch is loaded into a dataframe. I'm using spark scala for doing the same. Any help to achieve this?
I have tried it this way modifying the dataframe, but it throws up error,
df("_id") = new ObjectId(df("_id"))
It doesn't work this way.
val df = spark.read
.option("query", esQuery)
.option("pushdown", true)
.option("scroll.size", Config.ES_SCROLL_SIZE)
.withColumn("_id", $"_metadata".getItem("_id"))
df("_id") = new ObjectId(df("_id"))
I want to load dataframe into mongo DB with _id field as Mongo ObjectId datatype rather than String datatype.
Present: _id : "123456ABCD"
Expected: _id : ObjectId(123456ABCD)