How do I test a prop(callback) function that is called conditionally I have a component which passes a prop function to its child on a condition like:
if(this.props.myFun) {
to test this, I have two cases here: 1. Where the prop is passed to the component
<ChildComp myFun={value => value } /> and I can test it from the child-
const comp = mountWithIntl(<ChildComp myFun={value => value } />);
- Where the prop is not passed: I trying like
const comp = mountWithIntl(<MyComp />);
But, Since If I mock the prop while mounting the component, the method will be called. But how do I test the undefined or unmocked prop? If I dont pass the prop and do:
I will get:
jest.fn() value must be a mock function or spy
which I cant do as per my code please help